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The Art of #StorySelling

History is simply the recall and telling of the past, is always more interesting and exciting when conveyed in story format. For years we’ve gathered around the home fires and campfires to listen to the storytellers spin tales of experiences and voyages to places of intrigue, mystery, and wonder. Now discover #StorySelling, the innovative manner of putting sound to the painted truth of the decision making process as practiced by skilled orators in religion, politics, law, and medicine. Learn the Art of #StorySelling based in truth and high ethical standards it more than communicates it fascinates.

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Confessions of an Adrenaline Junkie

The quest for happiness, wellness, and quality of life is about choices, the right choices to keep life moving forward in a healthy and fulfilling manner. When one is committed to, and sticks with, positive choices, stress can be diminished. One can be secure in the knowledge that the very nature of our existence improves proportionally to the number of good choices we make. Be confidant that, like a savings account, the small efforts made to treat the body and soul with respect accumulate -- and result in improved quality of life.

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