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Am I on Purpose? 

This is a question I ask myself many times daily, as my goal was to “Make A Difference”. This worked but was not specific. I teach, in order for one to achieve a goal, it must be specific.

My 1-0 moment (more on this later) was when I woke up to the difference between a Goal and a Purpose. A Purpose is a higher logical level than a Goal and less specific. So the reframe is my Purpose is to “Make A Difference” Let’s look at the definitions.

Goal: is the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

Purpose: is an intention or objective.

Values drive activities or tasks needed to achieve goals. Therefore, when tasks are incongruent with your values, you will not achieve the goal.

Simplified Example

Purpose – Make a Difference

Value – Love of Family (one of many)

Now let’s set a goal and a task to accomplish that goal.

Task – Rob a bank

Goal – Million Dollars Cash


Obviously, armed robbery would be against your values, and consequently, you would not do the tasks to achieve the goal.

Purpose is values based. Therefore, the priorities are Values – Purpose – Tasks – Goals. Hence, to achieve Goals ask a question, “Am I on Purpose?”



Your water analog, center sequential computer (your brain) processes information like a computer using a binary sort, a system of 1’s and 0’s (or on/off, or +/-) at 8,100 bits per nanosecond (that’s a billionth of a second), concurrently with the nine hundred billion neurons throughout your being. A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals between the brain and other parts of the body visually, auditorily, kinesthetically, gustatorially, and olfactorily simultaneously on a conscious, subconscious, and unconscious level sorting by our morals, values and beliefs. Learning and making choices occurs through a series of binary sorts!

If you want to be blown away, learn about Microtubules. There are millions of microtubules in a single cell storing up to 500 units in each. Our brain is sorting 1-0’s at nine hundred billion times 2 to the 500th power of possible combinations! DO NOT TELL ME YOU’RE NOT SMART!



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