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The Collection of Julian Nall

The Collection of Julian Nall 

Sadly Julian Nall passed away September 7, 2017 – He was a remarkable man and will be missed.

I met Mr. Julian Nall in Winchester, TN in June of 2015 while visiting the Nuckolls’ family on beautiful Tims Ford Lake. Mr. Nall and his daughter stopped by for a visit.

He lived and worked in Washington DC until his retirement when he moved to TN. He told wonderful stories of serving on the USS New York in the Pacific in the Great War. I could have listened for hours.

After the war, he drove with his Mother in a 1946 Buick Super Coup from California through Death Valley into Nevada. I added how I spent much time there while working at Nevada Test Site, telling him how much I’ve always liked the grill of the ’46 Buick. He said, “Since you have such an interest in automobiles, you may be interested in my ‘childhood collection’.”

He then unfolded the story of being 12 in Memphis, TN and finding a Nash emblem in the street. He took it home and told his parents of his intention of collecting automotive badges. Not only were they encouraging, his mother took him to a local junkyard where she told the owner of her son’s quest for badges to add to his collection.

Now I failed to mention that Julian is 92 years old, so he was 12 in 1933. Can you imagine an auto junkyard in 1933? Well the owner said, “Sure, here’s a screwdriver, go help yourself.” Julian and the junkyard owner became fast friends and ta da, his collection was born! The photos below are of his wonderful collection.










































Photos Courtesy of Julian Nall July 27, 2015

Thanks Julian. I consider myself rather knowledgeable regarding automotive history but you have badges of cars I never heard of.





This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. The first name plate was found on a street in Memphis, Tennessee not up-state New York

    I was born in 1921 and therefore was 12 years old in 1933, not 1923, when t found the first plate.


  2. Julian, so sorry I missed you comments. I think of you often and admire your knowledge and again this amazing collection. Thanks so much for clearing up the dates and places. May your day be filled with smiles. Rossi

  3. An extraordinary collection I had the chance to see in May of 2016. Just one aspect of a truly extraordinary man.

    Keith Tomlinson, Charlottesville, Virginia

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