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Am I on Purpose?  YOU are or YOU are not – 

This is a question I ask myself many times daily, as my goal was to “Make A Difference”. This worked but was not specific. I teach, in order for one to achieve a goal, it must be specific.

My 1-0 moment (more on this later) was when I woke up to the difference between a Goal and a Purpose. A Purpose is a higher logical level than a Goal and less specific. So the reframe is my Purpose is to “Make A Difference”. Let’s look at the definitions.

Goal: is the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

Purpose: is an intention or objective.

Values drive activities or tasks needed to
achieve goals. Therefore, when tasks are
incongruent with your values, you will not
achieve the goal.

Simplified Example

Purpose – Make a Difference

Value – Love of Family (one of many)

Task – Get a Gun and Rob a bank

Goal – Have One Million Dollars Cash

Obviously, armed robbery would be against your values and, consequently, you would not do the tasks to achieve the goal.

Purpose is values based. Therefore, the priorities are Values – Purpose – Tasks – Goals. Hence, to achieve Goals ask a question, “Am I on Purpose?”

Being on Purpose:

When you Love It, become Great at It, the World Needs It, and You’re Paid for ItYou are on PURPOSE! It was this revelation that catapulted me forward to a “HNL – Hole Nuther
Level”, as Keegan-Michael Key says. As I went from Goal oriented to Path oriented, this is a whole other class.

001 senaps


Your water based, center sequential neurochemical computer (your brain) processes information in a binary sort, a system of 1’s and 0’s (or on/off, or +/-) at 8,100 bits per nanosecond (that’s a billionth of a second), concurrently with the nine hundred billion neurons throughout your being. A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information
through electrical and chemical signals between the brain and other parts of the body visually, auditorily, kinesthetically, gustatorially, and olfactorily simultaneously on a conscious, subconscious, and unconscious level sorting by our morals, values and beliefs. Learning and making choices occurs through a series of binary sorts! Binary mean two.


If you want to be blown away, learn about Microtubules. There are millions of microtubules in a single cell storing up to 500 units in each. Our brain is sorting 1-0’s at nine hundred billion times 2 to the 500th power of possible combinations!

Just 2 Things –
Fixed or Growth –
Open Mind or Closed Mind –
Embrace or Avoid –
Give Up or Persist

2 Mindsets Chart

The world offers many choices, perhaps too many. Eleven hundred television channels, and thirty seven streaming service, thirty thousand US movie screens, a BILLION YouTube Videos, fifteen thousand five hundred US golf courses, thousands of amusement parks, sports field, national parks, music and theater venues, galleries, museums, schools, pools, raceways, fairs, and tracks, which do we choose. It’s like a forty-page restaurant menu. By the time we read it all, dinner is over.

‘One Thing’ by Gary Keller
In his must read book, he cleverly crafts his theory ‘only One Thing’ (action) at a time, and I agree, as does a multitude of
 behavioral psychologists. You cannot multitask; you only can do
one thing at a time. But here’s my question, which one thing do you do?

Learn a new dimension in time management in Rossi’s Session at Triple Play ED Talk  OMNITASKING! The answer to,“If I can’t Multitask, how come I do it?”

What do you do if you’re in a crowded theater and someone shouts,“Fire”, the answer is obvious, you walk calmly to the exit with everyone else? That is the one thing you would choose to do.

In life, however, the decisions are not that obvious, and again, we have so many choices. Solution, boil it down to two things.

It’s just two things.

But Remember, as my friend Jim Morton says. “If you’re offered a Choice; Do you want A or B? Choose Both.

Why only two?
We’ve uncovered that our brain works like a computer. That’s

because our brain built the computer. Constantly choosing or
sorting ONE and Zero (1/0) or on off. The faster the processor
the faster it chooses. If there are three to choose from, or 9, or
13,348,351 to choose, from it will break it down to two. So

            Success Goes to the
Who Can Achieve the 1/0 Moment
the Fastest


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Hey, that’s a clever way of thnkiing about it.

  2. Thanks, and thanks for your comment

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